Demi Moore and Ashton at Bobby Premire

Lindsay Lohan was spotted yesterday wearing an AA sober chip that says ‘Ninety Days’! According to, plain chips mean a desire to stop drinking and coloured chips represent different lengths of sobriety. So is this chip Lindsay’s?
… Keep ReadingAll earnings from Madonna’s newest book ”The English Roses: Too Good To Be True” are being donated to charitable fund to help the African country of Malawi.

… Keep ReadingReese Witherspoon’s fortune is fair game as her marriage to Ryan Phillippe comes to an end specifically, there is no prenup.The financial consequences are enormous. Witherspoon now commands $20 million a movie. In 2005, Witherspoon raked in a total of $30 million for two movies, “Just Like Heaven” and “Walk the Line.”Phillippe has been commanding around $2.5 million a film, … Keep Reading