Does Kotetsu die in Demon Slayer? Explained

Demon Slayer season 3 is in full swing, and the latest episode revealed Zohakuten, Hantengu’s new form. Additionally, the episode also ended on a massive cliffhanger, and the fanbase is quite concerned about young Kotetsu. He was stabbed in the solar plexus by one of the demons summoned by Gyokko.
This left the fanbase thinking about whether or not Kotetsu is dead. Given that it was a vital point, it is quite logical that he would die eventually. However, does Kotetsu die in the Demon Slayer series? No, Kotetsu did not die during this encounter. He is alive, but he sustained a few minor injuries.
Disclaimer: This article contains massive spoilers from the Swordsmith Village arc manga chapters.
Demon Slayer: What really happened to Kotetsu during the encounter?
Kotetsu saw Muichiro Tokito stuck in Gyokko’s Water Prison Pot. Since Mist Hashira was unable to take a deep breath, which is the source of their incredible power, he was unable to cut through it. Kotetsu was not able to cut it from the outside.
However, he was quick on his feet and stuck his head into the Water Prison Pot and blew air into it. This allowed Muichiro to take in the required oxygen to perform a Mist Breathing technique that allowed him to cut through the Upper Moon 5 demon’s trap.
Meanwhile, one of the demons that Gyokko summoned stabbed Kotetsu in the solar plexus. People assumed that he had been stabbed because there appeared to be blood streaks on his vital spot. However, that stain was from his arm when he applied pressure to his belly. Kotetsu was saved because he kept Rengoku's hilt, which Tanjiro had handed him, close to his belly. Rengoku, despite his unfortunate death, seemed to save young Kotetsu from an untimely death.
The Demon Slayer manga confirmed that Kotetsu did not die during the Swordsmith Village arc.
What to expect in Demon Slayer season 3 episode 8?
Now that Kotetsu, Kanamori-san, and Haganezuka are alive and well, the upcoming episode will focus on the fight between Tanjiro Kamado and Zohakuten, Hantengu’s new form. It is the Upper Moon 4 demon’s most powerful form since it is a combination of all four primal emotions.
Tanjiro will not be able to keep up with his speed and strength. Especially when he has worn himself out taking on Sekido, Karaku, and Urogi. Given that Zohakuten now has a wide range of attacks, he will overwhelm Tanjiro. However, that’s when Love Hashira will make her entry during this fight.
Mitsuri Kanroji will save Tanjiro in the nick of time and fight against Zohakuten. If they manage the pacing well, Demon Slayer season 3 episode 8 can shed some light on Mitsuri’s past as well. Her backstory is a crucial part of the story as it adds more dimensions to Mitsuri's character. It also provides us with an explanation regarding her superhuman strength. Her muscle fibers are eight times denser than the average human being’s.
This will be shown when her life flashes before her life, as Zohakuten approaches her with an attack to kill her. However, Tanjiro, Genya, and Nezuko would put their life on the line to save her from Zohakuten’s attack.
Stay tuned for more Demon Slayer anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.
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