Ex-NFL GM claims Cardinals are already sweating on Kyler Murray's mega-million contract
The Arizona Cardinals are in a sticky situation with quarterback Kyler Murray as he is on the comeback trail from an ACL injury.
With Arizona cutting Colt McCoy, Joshua Dobbs is the one who many think will start the season. Given that the Cardinals placed Murray on the PUP list, which means he can't play in the first four games of the year, things are looking good.
Former NFL general manager Michael Lombardi thinks that due to Kyler Murray's injury clause in his contract, the Cardinals won't let their quarterback see the field in 2023.

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Will Kyler Murray play in 2023?
Given that Murray will miss the opening four games of the season, there is a real possibility that Arizona could start 0-4 as they face the Washington Commanders, New York Giants, Dallas Cowboys and the San Francisco 49ers.
With that in mind, if what Lombardi said about the injury guarantee in Kyler Murray's contract is added, there would be no incentive to play him.
Also, keep in mind that many think that Caleb Williams will be declaring for the draft next year and that Arizona might move off Murray in favor of Williams.
There are too many factors that could hinder Arizona if it plays Murray. And if its season starts the way many think it will, there's no reason to put him in harm's way.
It will be a fascinating watch to see what Arizona do, but the smart money could be on Murray sitting out the entire 2023 season.
If you use any of the above quotes, please credit "The Pat McAfee Show" and H/T Sportskeeda.
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