How to get to Equilibrium Level 4 in Honkai Star Rail

Publish date: 2024-06-02

The first step to reach Equilibrium Level 4 in Honkai Star Rail is to get Trailblaze Level 50. If you do not fulfill that condition, you must grind some Trailblaze Levels. For example, you can do every available mission and use Trailblaze Power at content like Calyxes to gain some Trailblaze EXP. Players who reach Trailblaze Level 50 can then Trial of the Equilibrium: Part Four.

You should get your best team for combat all geared up and prepare yourself to go through some mildly difficult bouts. You can then go to Cloudford and enter the Trial of the Equilibrium. Here, you will be facing some Level 60 enemies. Windspawns and Stormbringer will be one battle, while the other will contain Thunderspawns and an Aurumaton Gatekeeper.

Honkai Star Rail guide: What to do to unlock Equilibrium Level 4

All requirements for Equilibrium Levels are described here (Image via HoYoverse)

The Stormbringer fight is pretty easy, although you should keep in mind that it will target some of your allies with a pretty strong attack. Such a maneuver is easily telegraphed, so make sure to use a shield or heal up beforehand. The Windspawns accompanying the Stormbringer are nothing special though, so most Honkai Star Rail players should have no issue defeating them.

Note that the Stormbringer is weak to Fire, Ice, and Imaginary. The next fight involves the Aurumaton Gatekeeper, who is vulnerable to Lightning, Wind, and Quantum.

This is the second enemy you'll have to fight to unlock Equilibrium Level 4 (Image via HoYoverse)

The Aurumaton Gatekeeper will then activate Sanction Mode to summon two Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish as more enemies to attack you. However, Trailblazers can ignore them and prioritize the Aurumaton Gatekeeper.

If Honkai Star Rail players defeat the Aurumaton Gatekeeper, the two Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish will instantly be defeated, which prompts an explosion that may also KO the Thunderspawns.

Assuming you have completed both battles, you should see "Trial of the Equilibrium: Part Four complete" on the screen. Collect the generous rewards given to you and enjoy the other benefits of reaching Equilibrium Level 4 (such as more rewards from daily content and Calyxes).

You should now be able to raise your characters' levels to 70. If you wish to progress further, you must increase your Trailblaze Level and Equilibrium Level once more. As it stands, everything listed above is for Equilibrium Level 4.

How to go past Equilibrium Level 4 in Honkai Star Rail

Just keep grinding and do more Trials of the Equilibrium (Image via HoYoverse)

As of Version 1.0, the only remaining Equilibrium Levels are five and six. If you want to get to Level 5, you need a Trailblaze Level of 60 and complete the fifth part of the Trials of the Equilibrium. Likewise, Level 6 would require Trailblaze Level 65 and involves you clearing the Trial of the Equilibrium: Part Six.

By now, Trailblazers should already have an idea of what they need to do to progress in Honkai Star Rail. More levels are expected to be added in future updates and should follow a similar pattern to the current system.

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