Linkin Park - Nobody's Listening Lyrics Meaning

I strongly think it's about being forced to be like everyone else and hating it.
the line" yo, peep the style and the kids checking for it"
is about changing your outer presence to fit in.
"in the meantime there are those who want to talk this and that" saying how they say there way is the only right way
" I suppose it gets to a point were feelings gotta get hurt" time to stand up for what you know what's right even if you hurt those arrogant people
"tried to give you warning but everyone ignores me"
Shows that for their way of thinking they are now suffering from their mistake(s)
''heart full of pain" shows the that they probably hurt you or made you an outcast
''head full of stress, handful of anger, held in my chest"
again shows how much you have building inside you to just go with the crowd no matter how much you think it's wrong
"Nothing to gain. Everything to fear" shows that you will never change their minds, and that they will probably silence you for you being ''different"
"Coming at you from every side'' shows the consequences are now coming for those arrogant people you had warned
This song really connects with me in school with all the "cool" kids doing the dumbest things that I know they will pay for in the future