Oh No! Melanie Martinez Cancels A Show Due to Her Purse Getting Stolen! Get The Full Story Insid

Former “The Voice“ contestant Melanie Martinez had a recent mishap during her Cry Baby Tour when a “fan” stole her purse from her dressing room August 29th. To make things that much worse, her passport (which was inside her purse) was stolen as well! 🙁
Since she no longer had her passport, she was unable to cross the border into Canada and perform at her Vancouver show. She ranted about the incident on her Tumblr (melaniemartinezmusic) shortly after:
“Tonight I got my purse stolen from backstage. I had my passport in there, my card, personal shit from my parents, etc. not only is this illegal, but the fact that whoever took it, did it because they look at it as some sort of twisted “souvenir”, makes me SICK. I hate this internet age we live in too, because I reach out on Twitter trying to find who took my purse and all you write is “mom” “Queen” “follow me”. How is that normal?! How is that okay? How do you sleep at night? My friend gives his number out for anyone who might have any info, and people call laughing, asking if they could talk to me, lying saying they have my purse and will give it back if I get their tweet to 2,000 favorites. Really?”
You can read her full Tumblr post HERE.
She later tweeted this explanation to her Canadian fans who were no doubt throwing themselves a pity party.
We hope whoever took the purse realizes what they did was wrong and returns it back to her. To purchase tickets to her Cry Baby Tour and/or get a copy of her debut album Cry Baby (out now), visit her website HERE.
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