Top 4 Best TH14 Attack Strategy in Clash Of Clans

When Clash of Clans first came out, it was a strategy and entertaining game. However, as the game developed and entered the world of esports, it became very popular. Even after the game’s popularity, it is because of its appearance in esports that players will be able to play it and grow more interested in it, making the level of strategy in the game more challenging. Players prepare their troops for multiplayer and clan wars using various strategies. Players respond to this by creating new attack strategies like Gowipe, Dragloon, Goho, Gowibo, and HGHB. But now we’ll talk about how to town hall 14 bases and get three stars in Town Hall 14. Top 4 Best TH14 Attack Strategy in Clash of Clans.
Here are Top 4 Town Hall 14 Attack Strategy in Cash of Clans
1) Mass Super Archer Attack Strategy
The Mass Super Archer Attack strategy is a powerful combination in Clash of Clans. The strategy involves deploying a group of Super Archers behind a group of Yetis, which act as tanks to absorb enemy fire. The Super Archers then rain down arrows on the enemy defenses, while the Yetis deal massive damage with their melee attacks. To further enhance the attack, a Bat Spell is deployed to swarm the enemy base with bats, dealing additional damage and distracting enemy defenses. This combination is effective against a wide variety of base layouts and can easily take out high-level defenses. However, it requires careful planning and execution, as mistiming the deployment of troops or spells can lead to a failed attack.
Army composition:
10 Super Archer
9 Yeti
1 Ice Golem
1 Minion
1 Archer
6 Bat Spells
5 Freeze Spell
CC Troops ( 2 Yeti, 3 Sneaky Goblin+ 1 Rage Spell, 1 Poison Spells + Log Launcher)
2) LavaLoons Attack strategy
Lavaloons is a popular attack strategy in Clash of Clans that involves using a combination of lava hounds and balloons to destroy enemy bases. This strategy is highly effective in both farming and war attacks. The strategy involves deploying the lava hounds to soak up enemy defenses while the balloons target and destroy them from the air. It is important to deploy the balloons behind the lava hounds to avoid triggering any air defenses prematurely. It is also recommended to use spells such as rage and haste to boost the speed and damage output of the balloons. With proper planning and execution, Lavaloons can be a devastating attack strategy that can easily three-star enemy bases.
Army composition:
26 Balloons
3 Lava Hound
3 Sneaky Goblin
1 Ice Golem
1 Baby Dragon
13 Minions
2 Head Hunter
2 Archer
5 Invisible Spells
3 Haste Spells
2 Freeze Spells
1 Poison Spells
CC Troops ( 4 Super Wizard + 1 Rage Spell, 1 Freeze Spell + Battle Blimp)
3) Queen Charge Lavaloons Attack Strategy
Queen Charge Lavaloons is a popular attack strategy used in Clash of Clans. This strategy involves deploying the Archer Queen to take out key defenses, while the rest of the army is deployed to take out the rest of the base. The Archer Queen is used to clear out air defenses and other key defenses that can cause problems for the rest of the army. Once these defenses are down, the Lava Hounds and Balloons are deployed to take out the rest of the base. The Lava Hounds are used to absorb damage from air defenses, while the Balloons are used to take out defenses and buildings. This strategy can be very effective, but it requires precise timing and coordination to be successful. Overall, Queen Charge Lavaloons is a strong attack strategy that can be used to take out even the toughest bases in Clash of Clans.
Army composition:
21 Balloons
1 Lava Hound
5 Healer
3 Sneaky Goblin
12 Minions
2 Wizard
1 Baby Dragon
3 Wall Breaker
2 Archer
1 Invisible Spells
3 Freeze Spells
3 Rage Spells
1 Haste Spells
CC Troops ( Balloons + 1 Rage Spell, 1 Poison Spell + Stone Slammer)
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4) Zap Dragons Attack Strategy
Zap dragons are a formidable unit in Clash of Clans, capable of dealing massive amounts of damage to enemy defenses. However, they are vulnerable to air defenses and can be taken down easily if not protected properly. That’s where the dragon rider attack strategy comes in. By pairing zap dragons with dragon riders, players can take advantage of the rider’s ability to stun enemy defenses, giving the zap dragons time to do their damage. Dragon riders are also able to take out enemy air defenses, clearing the way for the zap dragons to sweep in and do their work. This strategy requires careful timing and placement, as well as a solid understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of both units. But when executed properly, it can be a devastating combination that can bring down even the toughest enemy bases.
Army composition:
6 Dragons
4 Dragon Rider
1 Electro Dragon
8 Balloons
1 Head Hunter
4 Archer
1 Clone Spell
3 Freeze Spells
2 Rage Spells
1 Poison Spell
CC Troops ( 4 Balloons, 1 Dragon Rider + 1 Rage Spell, 1 Freeze Spell + Battle Blimp)
Finally, These 4 Attack Strategy in Clash of Clans that can be used in both multiplayer and clan warfare.
Note: – This attack strategy is the thinking of the writer, the player can change the troops and Spell according to his own.
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