What is Shawn Kemps net worth? Taking a look at Seattle SuperSonics legends fortune
Shawn Kemp’s net worth has drastically increased because of his long and successful NBA career. The 6-foot-10 big man spent 14 years in the professional basketball league and was one of the most entertaining players of his era.
Kemp retired in 2003, but he recently made headlines. The six-time NBA All-Star was seen shooting his firearm in a parking lot in March, which eventually led to his arrest. As a result, the former basketball player was charged with first-degree assault.
According to Celebrity Net Worth, Shawn Kemp’s net worth is estimated to be $5 million in April 2023. While this is certainly a nice figure, it's important to note that Reign Man has made more than $91 million from his contracts in the basketball league.

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70% Win
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Shawn Kemp is best known for his time with the Seattle SuperSonics. He spent eight seasons playing for the team, averaging 16.2 points and 9.6 rebounds per game. He earned six All-Stars and three All-NBA selections during his career.
Shawn Kemp’s net worth was much higher during his playing days. The power forward earned around $15 million from his last NBA season and invested that money into his cannabis business.
After his eight-year tenure with the SuperSonics, the power forward also played for the Cleveland Cavaliers, Portland Trail Blazers and Orlando Magic. Despite leaving Seattle in 1997, he's remained active in the city.
You may be interested in reading: What is Shawn Kemp charged for? Looking at his ‘parking lot’ incident which led to his arrest
In February 2023, the former NBA star opened his second cannabis shop in Seattle. The shop offers over 3,000 unique products and greatly affects Shawn Kemp’s net worth.
The six-time NBA All-Star used to own Oskar's Kitchen, a sports bar in Queen Anne, a Seattle neighborhood mostly known for the Space Needle. The bar opened in December 2010, but Kemp had to shut it down in July 2015 due to a double increase in his rent.
You may be interested in reading: Does Shawn Kemp own cannabis business? Exploring Seattle SuperSonics legend’s marijuana empire
The former NBA star's cannabis business is named "Kemps Cannabis" and it's very popular. The cannabis store has been reviewed by more than 2,400 customers, who gave it an average rating of an impressive 4.9 stars on Google.
Besides cannabis, Kemp is also a part owner of Amber's Kitchen, a Seattle restaurant. The SuperSonics legend reportedly has a controlling interest in several venues in the city as well.
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