Why does CM Punk say "It's clobberin' time!" during his entrance? Details on the origin of influence

Publish date: 2024-06-03

CM Punk is one of the most iconic superstars in WWE history. He first joined the company in 2006 as part of the ECW brand. He spent the next eight or so years in the Stamfoed-based promotion, winning multiple World Titles in the process.

Punk recently made his return to World Wrestling Entertainment after nearly a decade away. His return came at the 2023 Survivor Series: WarGames Premium Live Event, and he has appeared on an episode of RAW and SmackDown in the weeks since. While many fans have known him for years, there are some discovering Punk for the very first time.

As a result, some of the new fans may be unfamiliar with why CM Punk does some of the things he does. One mannerism, in particular, may leave fans befuddled. When The Straight Edge Superstar comes out to the ring, he drops to one knee in the aisle and yells, "It's clobberin' time!". Those those unaware, this is in reference to The Thing.

The Thing is a character in Marvel Comics. He was born Ben Grimm but later became the rocky-textured superhero known as The Thing after coming in contact with radiation. He is part of Marvel's first family, The Fantastic Four, alongside The Human Torch (Jhonny Storm), Mr. Fantastic (Dr. Reed Richards), and The Invisible Woman (Dr. Susan Sue Storm-Richards).

CM Punk is a long-time comic book fan. As a result, he likely took inspiration from one of Marvel's most popular comic book heroes. A new Fantastic Four film is currently in the works as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so Punk may get to hear his inspiration say his iconic catchphrase on the big screen again.

CM Punk called out numerous WWE stars on SmackDown

Fans who are intrigued by CM Punk's story can learn a lot about him, but some prefer to just focus on the here and now. If that is the case, these fans are in luck, as The Straight Edge Superstar appeared on The Tribute to the Troops Special SmackDown last night.

The former WWE Champion's appearance was a big deal. He cut a promo in the ring, addressing numerous superstars and calling many of them out. Punk made it clear that he'll be gunning for the likes of Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.

In addition to those names, he either shouted out or called out the likes of LA Knight, Jey Uso, Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, Jimmy Uso, and Solo Sikoa. The Second City Saint didn't mince his words and clearly had no problem in making some new enemies.

In addition to his promo, Punk ran into a handful of stars backstage. This includes Kevin Owens, LA Knight, Randy Orton, Nick Aldis, and Cody Rhodes. Now, fans are eagerly waiting to see what brand The Voice of the Voiceless ultimately signs with.

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